Plantar Fibromas: Tips and Treatments for Foot Wellness

April 23, 2024 5:15 pm Published by

If you’ve been having pain along the arch of your foot, there is a chance that you have a plantar fibroma. If left untreated, plantar fibromas can become painful very quickly. Today, we’ll talk about the causes, symptoms, and treatment for plantar fibromas so your feet can rest easy.

What Is a Plantar Fibroma?

A plantar fibroma is a growth, also called a nodule or lump, that can grow on the ligament— the plantar fascia— extending from your heel to your toes. Unlike cysts filled with fluid, this lump is solid and may feel firm or rubbery to the touch. Although uncommon, it is possible to have more than one plantar fibroma nodule at the same time.

Though the exact cause remains unknown, individuals aged between 40 and 60 are more prone to developing them, with men being slightly more susceptible than women. There is also some evidence that a genetic predisposition plays a role in their formation.

Plantar Fibroma Symptoms

Plantar fibromas are typically found on the arch of one or both feet and are relatively small, growing up to less than an inch in diameter. Because they are so small, it’s a good idea to check your feet for bumps during your routine foot care sessions.

The main symptom, besides a noticeable bump, is foot pain. This pain can be more intense when wearing shoes and worsen over time, making walking difficult.

Plantar Fibromatosis

If you get fibromas often, your podiatrist may give you a plantar fibromatosis diagnosis, which just means that you tend to get these growths and may develop more in the future.

Ledderhose Disease

Ledderhose disease is a kind of plantar fibromatosis, but the lumps appear anywhere on the sole of your foot and are not restricted to growing on the arch.

Does Plantar Fibroma, Plantar Fibromatosis, or Ledderhose Disease Mean Cancer?

The good news is that no type of plantar fibroma is cancerous. Plantar fibromas, plantar fibromatosis, and Ledderhose disease are all benign (non-cancerous) and pose no threat to your health. However, if you have a visible growth on your foot, you should see your podiatrist to make sure you don’t have other rare foot conditions.

Plantar Fibroma Treatment Options

First, it’s important to remember that plantar fibromas, and the resulting pain, will not go away without plantar fibroma surgery. However, many treatment options are available that can reduce pain and improve your ability to walk pain-free.

Plantar Fibroma Home Treatment Solutions

Home solutions such as stretching and massage for plantar fibromas can help alleviate pain. However, this will not shrink or remove the plantar fibroma from your foot. If you have continued pain or suspect you have Ledderhose disease, you should visit your podiatrist for more effective treatment options.

Steroids and Shoe Inserts

A podiatrist may prescribe steroids and/or suggest custom shoe inserts to help alleviate your foot pain. Although steroids may temporarily decrease the size of the nodule, neither steroids nor shoe inserts will “cure” any type of plantar fibroma.

Plantar Fibroma Surgery

Since plantar fibromas are not dangerous, surgery is rarely needed. However, if your plantar fibroma is causing you severe pain and no other treatments have helped, your podiatrist may suggest a plantar fibroma surgery in which the nodule is removed. Again, this is a last resort, and the nodule may still eventually grow back.

Happier Feet With Plantar Fibroma Treatment

If you suspect you have plantar fibromas or any other condition below the knee, we’re here to help! From diagnostics to discussing your treatment options to successful recovery, we’ll walk with you every step of the way. Schedule an appointment with The Foot & Ankle Group today.


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